
Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Ludwig Steiner

Brenner: Military limit
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
. So far as .. of course, was the difficulty that there was suddenly a burner on military border, the military frontier so far: From the North should indeed originally General Bradley to the third U.S. army and go over the burners. The Americans with whom we had contact, have said that the army Bradley over the Brenner to northern Italy to advance. But with the surrender of the German Italian army General Bradley came much later, by a few days, almost a week. Therefore, it was at the Brenner frontier command of the American invasion army in Italy. And in the north, the third Army began a military frontier was thus suddenly there. Since the compounds were naturally difficult to South Tyrol. The first time you could come only with an American marching orders to South Tyrol. I did that twice. And then I could enter with a French military paper with a direct marching orders to South Tyrol. This hope, the Army's Bradley to North and South, has been nullified. - Yes, we had then ... South apropos: We have already had the idea in 1946 that we actually continue with the resistance in South Tyrol same. But there was little echo of South Tyrol page.